COP27 new Memorandum of Understanding signed

November 11, 2022. As part of the cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security of Italy, (MASE), and the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina, (MAyDS), a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed alongside CoP27 in the field of Sustainable Development. The MoU was signed by DG Modiano, (DG AEI), and DG Martin Illescas, (DG Projects with External Financing and International Cooperation).

The agreement, which is valid for five years, renewable for another five by mutual consent, provides for joint actions and activities in pursuit of the sustainable development goals, (SDGs), of the UN 2030 Agenda and the UN Conventions for the Protection of Biodiversity, (UNCBD), Combating Desertification, (UNCCD) and Climate Change, (UNFCCC).

In particular, it refers to SDG6 on the management of water resources and the restoration of aquatic environments, to SDG7 on access to sustainable, renewable and efficient energy sources, to SDG 12 on sustainable consumption, to SDG13 to strengthen coordination in contrasting global climate change and addressing its negative effects, to SDG 14 on the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources, to SDG 15 on the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, correct forest management, the fight against desertification and the protection of biodiversity, to SDG 17 on the progress of the international cooperation aimed to the development and support of the capacities of developing countries, in effectively pursuing sustainable development goals.


Ultimo aggiornamento 21.07.2023