For many years, MASE has been cooperating with Tunisia, financing initiatives in the country also through UNEP and UNOPS. In the field of environmental cooperation, resources amounting to approximately 12 million Euros were allocated to the country.

In May 2018, MASE, (then MATTM), signed a Technical Agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of the Tunisian Republic, (TMAWRF), with the aim of contributing to the reduction of emissions and climate change adaptation, set by the Tunisian government through projects in the agriculture, fisheries, water resources and ecosystems sectors.

As part of the Agreement, three projects were approved, for a total co-financing by MASE of approximately €4,300,000: Renewable Energy for Agricultural and Rural Development in Tunisia, (REFAT); Implementing Climate-Smart Agriculture practices in Tunisia, (ICAPT); Supporting in Implementing the Technical Arrangement on Sustainable Development Cooperation in the field of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

Tunisia is also interested in the initiative “Accelerating Investment in District Energy in Tunisia and Morocco – DEI”, managed by UNEP and co-financed by MASE, for a total amount of €455,000.

Furthermore, MASE is also engaged in Initiative for Climate Action Transparency - ICAT, financially contributing to the UNOPS Trust Fund, with 5 million Euros.


Fonte immagine: MASE - DG AEI

Bilateral MASE - Minister - Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of the Tunisian Republic.

On March 23 in New York, on the sidelines of the Water Conference, the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, met the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of the Tunisian Republic, Abdelmonaem Belaati.

Other news:

Photo: MASE

Bilateral meeting on the sidelines of COP27

In the frame of COP27, the MASE delegation held two important bilateral meetings with the delegations of the main partners of environmental cooperation in Tunisia.



   Memorandum of Understanding (Rome, May 2018 – May 2023)

“Cooperation in the field of sustainable development”

Counterpart: Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, (MARHP)
Intervention areas:

  • institutional support to the CSA;
  • technology transfers aimed at promoting CSA;
  • applied research and training on CSA.

- Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries (May 30, 2018 EN)
- Work Plan of the Protocol with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries - MARPH (June 29, 2018, EN)
Medrec Statute (November 26, 2015)


   MARPH ongoing projects

Implementing Climate - smart agricolture practices in Tunisia (ICAPT) 

Mite Euro 3.304.000
Altri finanziatori Euro 256.000
  Renewable Energy for Agricultural and Rural Development in Tunisi Mite Euro 1.973.000
MARHP Euro 222.800
  Supporting in Implementing the Technical Arrangement on Sustainable Development Cooperation in the field of
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Mite Euro 22.250
MARHP Euro 222.800


   MISME ongoing projects

Promo-Isol – Establishment of a financing mechanism for the promotion of thermal insultaion roofs in the
individual housing – Fase I

Mite Euro 1.072.400
Controparte Euro 1.071
  Implementation project of a specialized unit in testing compliance and energy performance lighting devices Mite Euro 393.700
Controparte Euro 156.000
  PROMO-FRIGO – Establishment of a financing mechanism to replace refrigerators older then 10 years - Fase I Mite Euro 513.700
  Supporting and implementing Technical Agreement on cooperation in the field of energy, climate change,
environmental   protection and sustainable development
Mite Euro 20.076
Controparte Euro 26.423


   Completed projects
 Program PROSOL  
 Project MED DESIRE  
 Project IMPROWARE  



    23/03/2023    Bilateral MASE - Minister - Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of the Tunisian Republic    
    12/11/2022    Bilateral meeting on the sidelines of COP27

    23/11/2020   Editing the video for the REFAT project
    18/11/2019   Reissue of the tender for the supply and installation of a photovoltaic system in Tunisia    
    08/07/2019   Tender for the supply and installation of a photovoltaic system in Tunisia

    11/04/2019   Tunis: concluded the technical seminar on green technologies applied to agriculture
    23/10/2018   First meeting of the Joint Committee with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries


MoU Archive



Ultimo aggiornamento 01.10.2024