Since many years the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security is engaged in initiatives aimed at promoting and disseminating models of sustainable production and consumption, in line with the actions envisaged by the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030 at a global level, with the “Fit for 55” package at European Union level and with the “Plan for the Ecological Transition” and the “New Strategy for the Circular Economy” at national level.

The goal is to guide the country towards a low-carbon economy in which are guaranteed, at the same time, the protection and enhancement of the territory and of the communities and the rational management, sustainable and circular use of resources.

The concept of sustainability, which integrates the economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions, the possibility of measuring and improving it through multi-criteria indicators, the accessibility to information concerning the commitments undertaken by companies and the results achieved are all elements that are increasingly rooted in the economic system and in the territorial management, representing an added value for businesses, consumers, administrations and citizens. … read more



Program for the
Evaluation of the Enviromental Footprint


Program VIVA
"The Sustainability of the Italian Viticulture"


The "Made Green in Italy"
National Scheme

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  Directorate General for Sustainability of Products and Consumption (SPC)




Ultimo aggiornamento 21.10.2024