Quaderni di Conservazione della Natura n. 19bis - Guidelines for bat monitoring: methods for the study and conservation of bats in Italy

Immagine-copertina della pubblicazione 'Quaderni di Conservazione della Natura n. 19bis - Guidelines for bat monitoring: methods for the study and conservation of bats in Italy'Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea in co-operation with National Institute for Wild Fauna.

In the short history of Italian bat research, this is certainly a crucial moment for the fate of Italian bat populations. Many species are in significant decline and too little information is available. As highlighted above, there is a rejuvenated interest in this mammal group, leading to new knowledge - indispensable for bat protection. However, the study of bats may never ignore their fragility and precarious conservation status.

The idea for this book, designed to provide Italian researchers with methodological guidelines, stemmed from these considerations, based on the vital importance played by bats in ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. Besides providing a comprehensive picture of legal aspects of bat protection, this monograph aims to illustrate the main research methods adopted in bat studies, providing an easy-to-use tool for technicians and specialists in planning bat surveys and monitoring activities.

This volume also fulfils the requirements of D.P.R. 357/1997 (modified by D.P.R. 120/2003), according to which the Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territoriohas the duty to provide guidelines for bat monitoring.

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Ultimo aggiornamento 30.01.2023