Il Programma comunitario LIFE Natura e Biodiversità ha finanziato in Italia numerosissimi progetti di conservazione in parte o principalmente destinati alla tutela dei chirotteri.
Informazioni sui progetti possono reperirsi sul sito del Programma LIFE.
- LIFE96 NAT/IT/003075. Grotte e chirotteri - Caves and bats conservation in woodlands and seminatural dry grasslands and scrublands facies on calcareous substrates managment
- LIFE98 NAT/IT/005133. Pellegrino – Peregrine
- LIFE98 NAT/IT/005047. RISMA - RI.S.MA. Ambiental Revise of Natural Reserve Sasso Malascarpa
- LIFE00 NAT/IT/007258. Monte Barro - Integrated management of insubric-prealpine habitats
- LIFE00 NAT/IT/007216. Onferno - Bats and their foraging habitats conservation at R.N.O. of Onferno and homonymous SIC
- LIFE00 NAT/IT/007139. Chirotteri II (Campo dei Fiori - Bats, calcareous habitats and petrifying sources in the Park of Campo dei Fiori
- LIFE02 NAT/IT/008572. Fiume Toce - Toce River: conservation of riparian habitats in favour of breeding and migratory birds
- LIFE04 NAT/IT/000190. Corpo Forestale - Conservation actions in NATURA 2000 sites managed by the State Forest Service
- LIFE04 NAT/IT/000159. Lago Ganna - Requalification interventions of SIC Ganna's Lake
- LIFE04 NAT/IT/000153. Alta Tuscia - Actions to preserve the NATURA 2000 sites in Alta Tuscia Viterbese
- LIFE05 NAT/IT/000037. DUNETOSCA - Conservation of ecosystems in northern Tuscany
- LIFE08 NAT/IT/000369. GYPSUM - Gypsum: protection and management of the habitats linked to the chalky formations of the Emilia-Romagna region
- LIFE08 NAT/IT/000362. COLLI BERICI NATURA 2000 - Conservation actions, habitat and species improvement, and preservation of SIC Colli Berici nature reserve
- LIFE08 NAT/IT/000332. SAVE THE FLYERS - Measures for the conservation of Chiroptera and Avifauna in Central Italy
- LIFE09 NAT/IT/000198. FAGGETE DEL TABURNO - Conservation of Taxus and Ilex beechwood in the pSIC “Taburno Massif”
- LIFE09 NAT/IT/000149. BOSCO INCORONATA - Conservation and restoration of habitats and species in the Incoronata Regional Natural Park