Milan – The preparatory meeting

The PreCop held in Milan from 30 September to 2 October 2021 is the last official ministerial meeting before the COP, which will be held in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November.

What is the PreCop

Each conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is preceded by a preparatory meeting taking place about a month in advance, called the PreCop. The PreCop brings together climate and energy ministers from a select group of countries to discuss some key political aspects of the negotiations that will be addressed at COP26.

The Milan PreCop

As a partner of the COP26 Presidency, assigned to the United Kingdom, Italy will hosted the PreCop (at Congress Center “MiCO”). The Conference was attended by representatives of around 40 states, representatives of the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Presidents of the Subsidiary Bodies of the Convention and a number of civil society actors who play a key role in the fight against climate change or in the transition towards sustainable development.

The PreCop was preceded by a ministerial meeting which was held in July in London. The PreCop was the last formal and multilateral opportunity for UNFCCC member countries to shape the negotiations in detail ahead of the Glasgow Summit in November.

Themes and organization of the work

The first day started with the institutional openings by the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition, Municipality of Milan, CPD, IPCC and UNFCCC. In the following two days four working groups discussed the issues of protection of communities and natural habitats, sustainable finance and transparency. A plenary session on the “COP26 package” was held on 2 October and the concluding remarks were adopted.

See also“Road to Glasgow”:




Ultimo aggiornamento 04.11.2021