G7 Workshop on Marine Litter

Mainstreaming the work of the Regional Sea Programmes towards the better implementation
of the G7 Action Plan and the achievement of the global commitments on marine litter

Rome, Italy - 20-21 April 2017



“The Way Forward - The relevance of the regional dimension in the implementation of the G7 Action Plan on Marine Litter” (pdf, 107 KB)


Background Document (pdf, 839 KB)



France - “Focus on legislation on plastic carrier bags and other waste. Prevention and management measures in France” (pdf, 1.421 MB)

Italy - “The implementation of the action plan on marine litter: Italian activities” (pdf, 1.593 MB)

Italy - Global, regional and national best practices and strategies on Marine Litter to implement the G7 Action Plan on Marine Litter” (pdf, 2.402 MB)

Japan - Actions and Strategies on Harmonization of Monitoring Procedures of Microplastics in the Ocean” (pdf, 1.239 MB)

United States - Presentation by the United States Environmental Agency (pdf, 3.146 MB)  


Baltic Marin Environment Protection HELCOM - “HELCOM practices linked to G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter” (pdf, 3.321 MB)

European Commission - Presentation by the European Commission (pdf, 971 KB)

Fao - “Combating ALDFG and Ghost Fishing” (pdf, 1.164 MB)

Ospar - “Example for prevention initiative within implementation of OSPAR RAP ML” (pdf, 271 KB)

Unep -  “Mainstreaming the work of the Regional Seas Programmes towards the better implementation of the G7 Action Plan and the achievement of global commitments on marine litter” (pdf, 397 KB)

Unep Gpa - “G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter. Relevance of UN Environment Activities” (pdf, 2.409 MB)


Legambiente - “Tackling marine litter in the Mediterranean, from research to action” (pdf, 2.796 MB)

Marevivo - “Marine Litter hot spots” (pdf, 4.980 MB)

WWFPresentation by WWF Italy (pdf, 5.231 MB)


PlasticsEurope - “Tackling Marine Litter Through Joint Efforts” (pdf, 722 KB)

University of Siena“Marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea” (pdf, 4.262 MB)




Ultimo aggiornamento 20.12.2017