Mainstreaming the work of the Regional Sea Programmes towards the better implementation
of the G7 Action Plan and the achievement of the global commitments on marine litter
Rome, Italy - 20-21 April 2017
Background Document (pdf, 839 KB)
Italy - “The implementation of the action plan on marine litter: Italian activities” (pdf, 1.593 MB)
Italy - “Global, regional and national best practices and strategies on Marine Litter to implement the G7 Action Plan on Marine Litter” (pdf, 2.402 MB)
United States - Presentation by the United States Environmental Agency (pdf, 3.146 MB)
Baltic Marin Environment Protection HELCOM - “HELCOM practices linked to G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter” (pdf, 3.321 MB)
European Commission - Presentation by the European Commission (pdf, 971 KB)
Fao - “Combating ALDFG and Ghost Fishing” (pdf, 1.164 MB)
Ospar - “Example for prevention initiative within implementation of OSPAR RAP ML” (pdf, 271 KB)
Unep Gpa - “G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter. Relevance of UN Environment Activities” (pdf, 2.409 MB)
Legambiente - “Tackling marine litter in the Mediterranean, from research to action” (pdf, 2.796 MB)
Marevivo - “Marine Litter hot spots” (pdf, 4.980 MB)
WWF – Presentation by WWF Italy (pdf, 5.231 MB)
PlasticsEurope - “Tackling Marine Litter Through Joint Efforts” (pdf, 722 KB)
University of Siena –“Marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea” (pdf, 4.262 MB)