The conservation of bats in buildings

Other Institutions concerned:

  • Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (MIBAC)
  • Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  • Gruppo Italiano Ricerca Chirotteri (GIRC)




The presence of bats in buildings often generates conflicts since buildings are usually inhabited by people or have historical value and need restoration. Facing such circumstances requires skills for specific disciplines as eco-ethology, conservation biology, environmental law and preservation of the building heritage.

The above-mentioned institutions and organizations have put together their specialized competence in order to implement a conservation strategy that protects both biodiversity and the historical monumental heritage.

This collaboration resulted in a protocol described in a technical document which also illustrates the legal aspects and a few case-studies: Linee guida per la conservazione dei chirotteri nelle costruzioni antropiche e la risoluzione degli aspetti conflittuali connessi (da biblioteca).

For information, please see above for all contact details.


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