Agenda (pdf, 176 KB) (
Background Paper: World Resource Institute, Financing the energy transition: are World Bank, IFC, and ADB Energy Supply Investements supporting a low-carbon future? (pdf, 2.091 MB) (
Session 1: “Multilateral Development Banks’ Current Operations: How well are they aligned with the Paris Agreement?”
- Lutz Weischer, GermanWatch, Compatibility of financial investments with 2°C scenario: recap on MDBs alignment from 2015 report (pdf, 853 KB) (
- Giulia Christianson, Allison Lee, WRI, Presentation of the WRI background paper (pdf, 853 KB) (
Session 2: MDBs and their contribution to the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030: How to measure progress in the alignment of MDBs projects?
- Haje Schütte, OECD - Tracking effectiveness of development assistance
- Thomas Braschi, 2°C Investing Initiative, Assessing the impact of MDBs portfolio (pdf, 4.547 MB) (
Session 3: Towards the progress of MDBs contributions in other sectors
- Jan Corfee-Morlot, New Climate Economy, Sustainable infrastructure and role of MDBs (pdf, 1.907 MB) (
- Shari Friedman, IFC-WBG, Green Buildings (pdf, 5.019 MB) (
Session 4: MDBs and climate adaptation finance
- Fazia Pusterla, IDB, Engaging the private sector in adaptation (pdf, 1.046 MB) (
Session 4b: MDBs phasing out support to fossil fuels
- Shelagh Whitley, ODI, Identifying risks and opportunities (pdf, 1.805 MB) (
- Aldo Ravazzi, Italian Ministry of Environment - Sogesid TA - Results from the 1st Italian National Catalogue on Environmentally Harmful Subsidies (pdf, 2.807 MB) (
Session 5: Next steps - roadmaps and transitional support for progress in MDBs
- Giulia Christianson, Allison Lee, WRI (pdf, 207 KB) (