Second Joint Committee in Rome: project approved for the mapping of renewable sources in Lesotho


Rome, April 21, 2017 – The second Joint Committee was held in Rome between the delegation of the Ministry of the Environment, led by Director Francesco La Camera, and the delegation of the Ministry of Energy and Meteorology of Lesotho, led by Director Mabafokeng Mahahabisa.

The meeting took place following the technical meeting with some Italian research institutes such as ENEA, ISPRA, CMCC, during which new possible collaboration activities between the two countries were explored with particular reference to the themes of monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions, (MRV), forestation, (REDD+), and the development of off-grid technologies for access to energy in rural areas.

The Joint Committee approved the project on the territorial mapping of the major renewable sources’ energy potential, (solar, wind, hydro). The project will provide Lesotho with a cartographic tool that is essential for the correct planning of investments, and the achievement of the objectives agreed on at an international level.


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