"Made Green in Italy" public consultations
All webpages are in Italian language (original text)
Current consultations |
Closed consultations |
- Public consultation on the PCR proposal "Large polyethylene boxes"
- Public consultation on the PCR "Ice cream in tubs and multipack" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Pork, fresh or chilled" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Beef and veal, fresh or chilled" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Raw tobacco" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Steel castings" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Geotextiles and related products” proposal"
- Public consultation on the PCR "Provolone Valpadana PDO proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Fabrics made of carded wool or carded fine hair" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Wooden packaging" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Industrial laundry services, excluding dry-cleaning services" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Vinegar" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Dry pasta" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR "Grana Padano cheese PDO" proposal
- Public consultation on the PCR Proposal for PE Multipurpose Bags