Cooperation at COP28 Side Event: A Cool Future for Jordan

Fonte immagine: MASE

Dubai, December 2, 2023 – Roberta Ronzitti, Director of International Environmental Cooperation at MASE, participated in the COP28 side event held at the Montreal Protocol Pavilion: A Cool Future for Jordan: Upscaling National Policies to Achieve Climate Targets – Uniting for Action on Sustainable Development in Jordan.

During the event, the Jordan's National Cooling Strategy was presented, and the National Cooling Action Plan was launched

Other speakers included: Kashashneh, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment of Jordan; Rasmi Hamzeh, Executive Director of the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF); Rafat Assi, Vice President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS); and Mohammad Ramadan, Project Team Leader at Cowater.

The event provided an opportunity for a fruitful discussion on how the synergistic commitment of public and private financial resources can drive effective and sustainable climate and development transition processes. “An integrated approach to interventions”, underlined Director Ronzitti, “that positions Jordan as a positive model in the region for its ability to implement ambitious and scalable projects, with a comprehensive vision for their environmental, social, and economic impact”.

During the meeting, Mr. Hmazeh emphasized the importance of MASE's environmental cooperation in supporting Jordan's energy transition strategies.

Fonte immagine: MASE Fonte immagine: MASE  





Ultimo aggiornamento 23.12.2024