Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF)

    The Agreement

The Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) is a Fund established in 2014 by the African Development Bank with the support of the German government.

On May 8th, 2017, the Italian Ministry for Environment has undersigned the agreement by which it takes part to the Fund with a contribution of 4.7 million euro.

Thanks to the funding by Italy, ACCF has reached the objective of becoming a multilateral fund. This allows the participation of new donors interested in supporting the African countries in the transition towards the sustainable development with low greenhouse emissions and a green growth. After Italy, also the Flanders (Belgium) have decided to participate to the Fund which, with their subscription, has reached the overall value of about 11.4 million euro.

    Objectives and results

ACCF plays a key role in supporting the African countries in their access to climate finance and in reaching the objectives established in their NDC (National Determined Contributions).

Financial contributions by Italy and Flanders, as well as the partnership with other donors, will be extremely important in reinforcing the climate finance of the Bank so to promote the sustainable development across the entire African continent.

ACCF is currently running 8 projects, for a total amount of 3,3 million USD, 2 multi-regional and 6 in the following African countries: Mali, Swaziland, Kenya, Cape Verde, Zanzibar (Tanzania) and Ivory Coast.

The main objective of the projects consists in reinforcing the capacity building of the recipient governments so that they can implement wide range projects and programmes able to attract international fundings on climate like, for instance, those of the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

ACCF is moreover engaged in activities aimed to improve the access to the information on climate, to expand the exchange of knowledge among the recipient countries, to promote the knowledge on green finance through information and training events.

Direct beneficiaries of ACCF are African governments, NGOS, research centers, regional institutions based in Africa and Departments of the same Bank.

    Opportunities for the private sector

Italian companies may be involved in the implementation of the activities included in the projects that have been allocated the financing.

Before launching the tender for the submission of the proposals, the Bank runs a consultation with the donors so to prevent the duplication of the resources and maximize the synergies with other initiatives promoted by the donors in the country. The staff of the Bank can provide assistance with the eligible subjects in preparing and submitting high quality proposals.

The minimum value of the proposed projects is of 250,000 USD. For the projects included in the range between 250,000 and 500,000 USD, the approval by the Technical Committee is sufficient. Proposals over 500,000 dollars demand a further approval by the donors. For proposal beyond 1 million USD the approval by the Board of the African Development Bank is requested.

On July 10, 2017, a second call for proposals has been launched. The submitted projects, filled in through ad hoc formats (Concept Note, Full Project Proposal) are under evaluation. At the end of the first screening process, the subjects whose Concept Note has been positively evaluated, will be invited to submit a Full Project Proposal.

Tenders and regulations concerning the participation are available at:



Stefania Tomaselli
Tel. (+39) 06 5722 8116

Giorgia Caropreso
AT Sogesid/MATTM
Tel. (+39) 06 5722 8160

- Multi-donor Agreement for the African Climate Change Fund
- Bi-Annual Newsletter ACCF 
- Presentation of ACCF (2017)
- Call for Proposals 2017 (preliminary results)
- Concept note
- Full Project Proposal



Ultimo aggiornamento 05.07.2021