Aviation and "Emissions trading" 2013-2020 (https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/aviation-and-emissions-trading-2013-2020)

  Versione Italiana (https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/aviazione-ed-emissions-trading-2013-2020)




1. Legal framework (#1)
2. Scope (#2)
3. Enlargement of ETS system for the Croatian aviation sector (#3)
4. Monitoring of emissions from 1 January 2013 (#4)
5. Reporting of annual emissions (#5)
6. Emissions verification and accreditation of verifiers (#6)
7. Surrendering allowances (#7)
8. Free allocation (#8)
9. Useful link and technical support (#9)


1. Legal framework

Since the beginning of 2012, emissions from aviation activities are included in the EU Emissions Trading System (“EU ETS”), as established by the  Directive 2003/87/EC (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX%3A02003L0087-20090625%3AEN%3ANOT) (referred to below as “ETS Directive”).

Provisions related to aviation activities into EU ETS, valid from 1 January 2013 and addressed to aircraft operators administered by Italy, are included in the  Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/dlgs_13_03_2013_30.pdf) (pdf, 4,88 MB), as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/normativa/dlgs_02_07_2015_111.pdf) (pdf, 1.638 MB), (“Legislative Decree 30/2013”) for the implementation of Directive 2009/29/EC amending Directive 2003/87/EC to improve and extend the Communitarian greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme. The Legislative Decree 30/2013 entered into force on 5 April 2013. The provisions are valid from 1 January 2013.

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 30/2013, and subsequent modifications and supplements, the National Italian Committee for the management of Directive 2003/87/EC (“Comitato nazionale per la gestione della direttiva 2003/87/CE e per il supporto nella gestione delle attività di progetto del protocollo di Kyoto” hereinafter indicated as: “the Committee”) performs the role of Competent Authority for the National implementation of the EU ETS, also for aviation activities.

Update about the Commission proposal for a European Regional Airspace Approach for EU emissions trading for aviation: additional information are published on the Commission’s website (http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation/faq_en.htm).

On 3 February 2017, the European Commission published the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/87/EC to continue current limitations of scope for aviation activities and to prepare to implement a global market-based measure from 2021, the proposal amends Article 28a of the Directive, adds two more articles (28b and 28c) and modifies its Annex I.

The Regulation (EU) 2017/2392 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/87/EC to continue current limitations of scope for aviation activities and to prepare to implement a global market-based measure from 2021” was published on 29 December.

The Regulation extends until December 31st  2023 the current intra-EEA scope, provisions on monitoring and reporting obligations and rules on free allocation. 

Further information are available on the official website of the Commission:
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2017.350.01.0007.01.ENG&toc=OJ:L:2017:350:TOC (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.L_.2017.350.01.0007.01.ENG&toc=OJ%3AL%3A2017%3A350%3ATOC)

The European Commission has also published FAQ on the new legislation, which are available on the following website: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation_en#tab-0- (https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation_en#tab-0-)


Index (#index)


2. Scope

All aircraft operators that perform any of the aviation activities listed in Annex I of Directive 2003/87/EC are included in the EU ETS (all the flights which depart from or arrive in a aerodrome situated in the territory of European Union, with the exclusion of the exempted flights reported on Annex I).

Every year European Commission drafts a list of aircraft operators that have undertaken any relevant aviation activity included into the scope, assigning every operator to each Member State Administation. The updated list of operators was adopted by (EU) Regulation 2016/282 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/regolamento_ue_2016_282.pdf) (pdf, 5,59 MB) of European Commission, dating from 26 February 2016, amending (EC) N. 748/2009 on list of aircraft operators, who performed some aviation activities included in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC back to 1 January 2006 or after, specifying the Member State of reference for each aircraft operator. The European Commission specifies the administering Member State for each aircraft operator. A revised list of aircraft operators (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/IT/TXT/?uri=OJ%3AL%3A2016%3A056%3ATOC) was adopted with Regulation (EU) No. 2016/282 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/regolamento_ue_2016_282_ENG.pdf) (pdf, 1.777 MB) on 26 February 2016.

On 7 april 2016, the Committee approved Decision no. 19/2016 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_19_2016.pdf) (pdf, 343 KB), “List of aircraft operators administered by Italy for the year 2016, pursuant to Legislative Decree no.30 of March 13th, 2013, and the EU Regulation 421/2014”.

The Committee approved the Decision No. 05/2017 (pdf, 641KB) (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_05_2017.pdf), " Aircraft operators list administered by Italy for the year 2017, pursuant to Legislative Decree 13 March 2013, n. 30.

On 3 march 2017 the Committee approved the Resolution n. 19/2017 (pdf, 1.260 KB) (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_19_2017.pdf) bearing “supplement to annex 1 of the list of the aircraft operators administrated by Italy in 2017, under the legislative decree n. 30 of the 13 March 2013 and subsequent modifications and supplements.

On 23 June 2017 the Committee approved the Resolution n. 89/2017 (pdf, 1457 KB) (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_89_2017.pdf) bearing “Amendament to Annex 1 to the list of aircraft operators administrated by Italy in 2017”.

Prior Compliance List

Considering that certain aircraft operators included in the scope are not identified in time for their inclusion in the annual list of aircraft operators. European Commission publishes periodically a “prior compliance list” in order to enable every aircraft operator to know in time its Competent Authority in the next revised list of aircraft operators.

The updated version of “prior compliance list (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/prior_compliance_list.pdf)” (pdf, 661 KB) was published on July 2013 on the European Commission website.

Aircraft operators that are included in this “prior compliance list”, and administered by Italy, are kindly asked to contact the Italian Competent Authority as soon as possible at the following email address: aviation-ets@mase.gov.it (mailto:aviation-ets@mase.gov.it) .

“De minimis”exemption

The "de minimis” exemption under subparagraph (l) of Annex I to Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, is applicable when an operator administered by Italy:

  • I. is a commercial air transport operator. It means an operator that, for remuneration, provides scheduled or non-scheduled air transport services to the public for the carriage of passengers, freight or mail. It holds an air operator's certificate (AOC) under Part I of Annex 6 to the “Chicago Convention”, and
  • II. has performed less than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or less than 10.000 tonnes emissions per year.


In absence of usable or complete data (from European Commission or Eurocontrol), it is the aircraft operator's responsibility to prove to the Competent Authority the subsistence of both conditions (I) and (II) to take advantage of “de minimis” exemption.

An aircraft operator,administered by Italy, with reference to an (x) monitoring year, able to prove the subsistence of the conditions set at bullets (I). and (II), will be considered exempted under the “de minimis” rule set out in Annex 1, letter (l), to the Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111. Therefore, as long as these conditions are met, the operator does not need to comply with ETS obligations related to aviation activity performed in the year (x).

However, such aircraft operator shall check constantly that the aforementioned conditions are met and, even in case one of them cannot be confirmed, with reference to aviation activity performed in year (y), shall:

  • Inform promptly the Competent Authority;
  • Start again monitoring emissions (#4) according to the already approved monitoring plan, provided that the same operational methodology is maintained, or submit a new annual emission monitoring plan for the approval by the Competent Authority;
  • Submit a verified annual emission report (#5) produced in year (y) by 31 March of the following year, and surrender by 30 April a number of allowances equal to the emissions during the preceding calendar year.

Regulation (EU) N. 421/2014

On 16 April 2014 (EU) Regulation 421/2014 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/regulations_421_2014_ENG.pdf) (pdf, 336 KB) from European Parliament and Council was adopted, amending Directive 2003/87/EC establishing the EU GHG ETS, for implementation, by 2020, of an international agreement introducing a single world measure based on market to be applied to international air transport emissions. Regulation (EU) 421/2014 introduces a temporary exemption in addition to Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC, according to which not commercial aircraft operators, producing CO2 annual emissions lower than 1 tons, are exempt from applying the Directive, from 10 January 2013 to 31 January 2020. Moreover, when an aircraft operator reports a total emission amount per year lower than 25.000 CO2 tons, its emissions are considered as verified only if determined using the tool for small emitters approved under (EU) Regulation N. 606/2010 from Commission and fueled by6 Eurocontrol with data coming from its support facility to ETS.

Member States do not take any measure in relation to aircraft operators as for:

a) Any emission produced each calendar year from 10 January 2013 to 31 December 2016 by flights from or to aerodromes placed in not European Economic Area (EEA) countries;
b) Any emission produced each calendar year from 10 January 2013 to 31 December 2016 by flights from an aerodrome placed in one of the outermost region, referred to in Article 349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), to an aerodrome placed in another EEA region;
c) The allowance surrender equal to 2013 verified emissions, produced by flights operating in EEA aerodromes, performed by 30 April 2015, instead of 30 April 2014, and the reporting of the 2013 verified emissions, produced by those flights, performed by 31 March 2015, instead of 31 M;arch 2014.


Moreover, it is noted that aircraft operators are not obliged to transmit monitoring plans addressed to control measures nor flight emission communication where exception is allowed. To apply a derogation, the criteria, for allowance allocation and release to aircraft operators, are those established by Directive 2003/87/EC, that is a calculation based on ton-km verified data compared with reference period. In addition, the expiry for emission surrender and 2013 communication is set until 2015.


Additional information may be found at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/IT/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32014R0421 (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/IT/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32014R0421)

Index (#index)


3. Inclusion of Croatia

Following the planned accession of Croatia to the European Union on 1 July 2013, EU ETS will be fully extended to Croatia by 1 January 2014.

The extension of EU ETS to Croatia will entail the consideration of additional flights within the scope of ETS, sanctioned to Annex I of Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, that are:

  • domestic flights within Croatia;
  • flights to Croatia from third countries with respect to the EEA (EU Member States + Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein);
  • flights between Croatia and non-EEA Countries.


While Croatia became an EU Member State on 1 July 2013, only the reporting obligations of the aviation part of the EU ETS will apply from that date.

Operators of flights within Croatia and between Croatia and non-EEA countries will need to surrender emission allowances only for flights carried out from 1 January 2014 onwards. Allowances for flights in 2014 will have to be surrendered by 30 April 2015.
The aircraft operators must refer to the duties relating to the monitoring (#4) and reporting (#5) of emissions for aircraft operators administered by Italy, in respect of emissions from additional flights starting from 1 July 2013.

For any further information please refer to the European Commission dedicated webpage: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation/croatia/index_en.htm (http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation/croatia/index_en.htm).

Index (#index)


4. Monitoring of emissions from 1 January 2013

On 21 June 2012 the European Commission adopted  Regulation (EU) No. 601/2012 (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX%3A32012R0601%3AEN%3ANOT), (“Regulation 601/2012”) on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and tonne-kilometre data, pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, which is valid from 1 January 2013.

The Committee approved on 28 December 2012 the  Decision No. 45/2012 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_28_12_2012_45.pdf) (pdf, 394 KB) containing provisions for the implementation of Regulation 601/2012.

From 1 January 2013 aircraft operators administered by Italy have monitored and reported their emissions under provisions of Regulation 601/2012 and Decision 45/2012 of the Committee.

The Decision establishes:

  • Under Art. 2(1), all aircraft operators administered by Italy, already own of an approved monitoring plan, are required to submit the updated monitoring plan for annual emissions by 31 January 2013, through the new standardized electronic template established by the Commission and in accordance with Regulation 601/2012.
  • Under Art. 2(2), and in accordance with Art. 10(1) of Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, all aircraft operators administered by Italy are required to submit the monitoring plan for annual emissions, through the new standardized electronic template established by the Commission and in accordance with Regulation 601/2012, within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the Decree, or within 60 days from the moment the aircraft operator is reported as “aircraft operator administered by Italy” within the list of aircraft operators.


The plan, as well as the updated plan, shall be signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES). The plan shall be sent to: aviation-ets@mase.gov.it (mailto:aviation-ets@mase.gov.it)

Information about the procedures to acquire a digital signature, based on a qualified certificate is available on the website of  DigitPA - National Agency for the digitization of public administration (http://www.agid.gov.it/identita-digitali/firme-elettroniche).

National Competent Authority will accept only standardized electronic template, also available on the European Commission website https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/monitoring_en#tab-0-1 (https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/monitoring_en#tab-0-1)


The European Commission provides specific documents and guidance in support of the monitoring and reporting regulations for Phase III. The documents describe the main provisions of the Regulation 601/2012 and how they should be applied and interpreted: please refer to the Commission’s website (http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/monitoring/documentation_en.htm), and in particular to the document Guidance Document No. 2 - The Monitoring and Reporting Regulation - General guidance for aircraft operators (http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/monitoring/docs/gd2_guidance_aircraft_en.pdf).

On 19 June 2013 was approved the  Decision no. 14/2013 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_19_06_2013_14.pdf) (pdf, 492 KB), through which the Committee carried out the reconnaissance of the AE monitoring plans of aircraft operators administered by Italy pursuant to Art. 10(5), of Legislative Decree no. 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111.

Small emitters

According to Art. 54 of Regulation 601/2012, an aircraft operator whose flights in aggregate emit less than 25,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, or which operates less than 243 flights during three consecutive four-month periods, is considered a “small emitter”. A small emitter can use a simplified procedure to monitor its emissions: in particular, the fuel consumption can be estimated using tools implemented by Eurocontrol (http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/small-emitters-tool) or by another relevant organisation (subject to the approval of the Commission).

More information about simplified tools are available on the Eurocontrol (http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/eu-emissions-trading-scheme-eu-ets) website.

Update of the monitoring plan

The changes to the monitoring methodology which require an update of the monitoring plan shall be subject to the approval of the Competent Authority.

If changes are “significant”, aircraft operators are required to transmit the updated monitoring plan within 30 days from the date on which the changes takes effects.

The monitoring plan shall be updated in accordance with Art. 14, 15 and 16 of Regulation 601/2012. In particular, the following changes are considered "significant," and they shall be promptly notified to the Competent Authority and in no case later than the deadlines listed above.

Annual emissions monitoring plan:

  • a change of tiers related to fuel consumption;
  • a change of emission factor values laid down in the monitoring plan;
  • a change between calculation methods (method A - method B);
  • the introduction of new source streams, or a change in the categorisation of source streams;
  • changes in the status of the aircraft operator as a small emitter within the meaning of Article 54(1) (see previous section).


Tonne-kilometre data monitoring plan:

  • a change between a non-commercial and commercial status of the air transport service provided;
  • a change in the object of the air-transport service, the object being passengers, freight or mail;
  • a change in the method of data acquisition;
  • a change of the the tier used for determining the payload.


In those cases where the modifications are considered “not significant” by the Competent Authority (not included in the above list, such as changing to the fleet), and the aforementioned changes do not affect the monitoring methodology as approved by the Competent Authority, with regard in particular to the uncertainty assessment, aircraft operators shall:


Improvement report (art. 69(4) of Regulation 601/2012):

In accordance to art. 69(4) of Regulation 601/2012), if the verifier reported in the verification report relevant non conformities or recommendations for the improvement of the monitoring procedure, due to articles 27, 29 and 30 of Regulation 600/2012, the aircraft operator send a communication to the competent authority a communication reporting the way to apply the procedure to correct the indication of the verifier.

For the communication, the operator use this template:


The report shall be signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES) and it be sent to: aviation-ets@mase.gov.it (mailto:aviation-ets@mase.gov.itt).


Approval of the monitoring plans

The National Italian Committee adopted the following Decisions on approval of the monitoring plans and updated monitoring plans, submitted by the aircraft operators administered by Italy in respect of Art. 10 of Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111. Through these Decisions, moreover, identity codes are assigned to approved plans in order to open the Registry account under the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1193/2011.


Index (#index)


5. Reporting of annual emissions

Pursuant Art. 34 of the Legislative Decree 30/2013, within 31 March of each year, aircraft operators administered by Italy have to submit to the Competent Authority a report of annual emissions containing emissions related to the previous monitoring year. The emissions have to be monitored in accordance with the monitoring plan of annual emissions approved by the Committee and with Regulation 601/2012.

The ETS Committee approved the Resolution no.44/2016 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_44_2016.pdf) laying down “Approval of the template for the communication of aircraft operators’ emissions pursuant to article 34, subparagraph 2, of the legislative decree of 13 March 2013, n.30.

The Committee approved Decision No. 11/2016 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_11_2016.pdf) (pdf, 2074 KB), "Abrogation of paragraph 1 of article 2 of: - Decision n.2/2016 regarding updating of the model for the communication on installation emissions pursuant to article 34, paragraph 2, of legislative decree 13 march 2013, n. 30”. – decision n.03/2016 regarding updating the model for the communication of aircraft operators administered emissions by italy Italy pursuant to article 34, paragraph 2, of legislative decree 13 march 2013, n. 30”.

Under that Decision, the Committee will accept only standardized electronic template in the Italian or English languages:


The report shall be signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES) and it be sent to: aviation-ets@mase.gov.it (mailto:aviation-ets@mase.gov.it), with a verification certificate, issued by accredited entities (see section “ Emissions verification and accreditation of verifiers (#7)”) and submitted through the AGES-ETS website at the following link www.registroets.it (https://www.registroets.it/).


Index (#index)


6. Emissions verification and accreditation of verifiers

Accreditation of verifiers

The Legislative Decree 30/2013 establishes that reports of annual emissions and tonne-kilometre data have to be verified by accredited entities. According to Art. 35 of the Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, verifiers have to be accredited by ACCREDIA, national accreditation body designated pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008.

ACCREDIA established procedures for accreditation, suspension and supervision of verifiers, which are available on the websites:

http://www.accredia.it/extsearch_documentazione.jsp?area=55&ID_LINK=332&page=4&id_context=3808 (http://www.accredia.it/extsearch_documentazione.jsp?area=55&ID_LINK=332&page=4&id_context=3808)
http://www.accredia.it/extsearch_documentazione.jsp?area=55&ID_LINK=327&page=4&id_context=2862 (http://www.accredia.it/extsearch_documentazione.jsp?area=55&ID_LINK=327&page=4&id_context=2862)

Verification provisions

The Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, establishes the criteria for verification activity; more details are described in the  Regulation (EU) No. 600/2012 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/regolamento_ue_600_2012_it.pdf) (pdf, 968 KB), (“Regulation 600/2012”). For the verification of reports of annual emissions and tonne-kilometre data, please refer to Chapter II of Regulation 600/2012. The verifier shall issue a verification report to the aircraft operator on each emission report or tonne kilometre report that is subject to verification. The verification report shall include at least one of the findings listed in Art. 27 of Regulation 600/2012, and it is suitable using the following standardized electronic template approved by the European Commission pursuant to Art. 74 of Regulation 601/2012.

The ETS Committee approved the Resolution no. 43/2016 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_43_2016.pdf) laying down “Approval of the template of the verification report in the case of verification of emission communication”. Such a resolution provides an update of the form approved by the Climate Change Committee (CCC):


The verification report shall be signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES) as defined by Directive 1999/93/EC of 13 December 1999, of the European Parliament and Council, concerning a Community framework for electronic signatures.

Questions, documentation and useful link for verification activity

The European Commission provides specific documents and guidance in order to ensure an harmonized implementation of Regulation 600/2012. All necessary documents are available at the section “Accreditation and Verification Regulation (AVR): Guidance and templates” of the European Commission’s webpage: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/monitoring/documentation_en.htm (http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/monitoring/documentation_en.htm)

Verifiers can request information and explanation about verification activity by the email address: RAS.verificatori-ET@mase.gov.it (mailto:RAS.verificatori-ET@mase.gov.it) .

Index (#index)


7. Surrendering allowances

By 30 April of each year, all aircraft operators administered by Italy are required to surrender a number of allowances equal to the total emissions in the previous year. Emissions have to be monitored and reported as described at previous paragraphs “Monitoring of emissions from 1 January 2013”, “Emissions verification and accreditation of verifiers”, “Reporting of annual emissions”.

The allowances shall be surrendered through the operator account on the Union Registry. According to Art. 28 of Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research ("ISPRA") is the administrator of the Italian Union Registry. Therefore, for information about the opening of the operator account or about any transactions in the Registry, please refer to the webpage of ISPRA (http://www.info-ets.isprambiente.it/) dedicated to the EU ETS.

Index (#index)


8. Free allocation

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 7 of the Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, and on the basis of benchmark values established by the European Commission, the Committee has determined the quantity of free of charge allowances to be allocated for 2012 and for the period 2013-2020 to entitled aircraft operators administered by Italy.

On 29 December 2011 the Committee adopted the  Decision 36/2011 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/Delibera36_2011.pdf) (pdf, 49 KB), in order to determine the amount of free allowances to be allocated to aircraft operators free of charge. Annexes 1 and 2 to the aforementioned Decision of the Committee contain the lists of all concerned aircraft operators stating the amount of free allowances to be allocated for each of the two periods (2012 and 2013-2020). Allowances are issued, according to Art. 9 of Legislative Decree 30/2013, to the entitled aircraft operator by 28 February of each year.

On 3 March 2017 the Resolution n. 18/2017 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_18_2017.pdf) (pdf, 2.423 KB) was approved, bearing the review of the free allocation of C02 emission allowances to the aircraft operators administrated by Italy through the years 2017-2020.

New entrants and "Special Reserve"

In reference with the period 2013-2020, according to Art. 8 of Legislative Decree 30/2013, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, can apply for free allocation of allowances from "Special Reserve":

a) aircraft operators administered by Italy who start performing an aviation activity falling within Annex I of Legislative Decree 30/2013 after 2010; whose activity is not in whole or in part a continuation of an aviation activity previously performed by another aircraft operator.

b) aircraft operators administered by Italy whose tonne-kilometre data increases by an average of more than 18% annually between the monitoring year for which tonne-kilometre data was submitted (2010) and the second calendar year of that period (2014); whose activity is not in whole or in part a continuation of an aviation activity previously performed by another aircraft operator.

We underline that any application must be submitted to the National Italian Committee by 30 June 2015 together with a verified tonne-kilometre data report referred to aviation activities performed during the year 2014. The deadlines, information and documentations relating of applying for an allocation of allowances, will be made available as soon as possible on this page.

The Committee adopted the Decision 22/2015 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_22_2015.pdf) (pdf, 73 KB) regarding the way to present the request for free allocation of allowances from "Special Reserve".

In reference with the period 2013-2020, the aircraft operators must sent the request for free allocation (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/domanda_assegnazione_Avi_riserva_speciale_2_rev.doc) (doc, 32 KB) and the additional documentation using the electronics template, signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES). The documents shall be sent to: aviation-ets@mase.gov.it (mailto:aviation-ets@mase.gov.it)

For aircraft operators administered by Italy the deadline to sent the documentation is June, 30th, 2015.

For aircraft operators that started the activity as reported in annex 1 of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, the request is accompanied by following documents:

  • Tonne-kilometre data, from aviation activities as reported in in annex 1 of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30, as modified by the Legislative Decree of 2 July 2015, n. 111, conducted by the aircraft operator in 2014, communicated using the template prepared by the Commission and verified by an accredited entities as established in art. 35 of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30. The request is completed with all the proofs of subsistence of all the criteria reported in art. 8, comma 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30.
  • Tonne-kilometre monitoring plan, communicated using the template prepared by the Commission.

For aircraft operators that Tonne-kilometre data increased more than 18% annual between the reference year sent according with the Decision 24/2011and the 2014, the request is accompanied by following documents:

  • Tonne-kilometre data, from aviation activities as reported in in annex 1 of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30, conducted by the aircraft operator in 2014, monitored in accordance with the Regulation (EU) No. 601/2012 and communicated using the template prepared by the Commission and verified by an accredited entities as established in art. 35 of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30. The request is completed with all the proofs of subsistence of all the criteria reported in art. 8, comma 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30.
  • A declaration of the operator that contais:
    • Tonne-kilometre increase, reported in percentage, registred by the aircraft operator, from the reference year sent according with the Decision 24/2011and the 2014;
    • Tonne-kilometre increase, reported in absolute value, registred by the aircraft operator, calculated as difference between the Tonne-kilometre of the reference year sent according with the Decision 24/2011and the 2014.
    • Absolute value of quantity of Tonne-kilometre, calculated as difference between the percentage as reported in art. 8, comma 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree of 13 March 2013, No. 30.


The Comitato has published the list (pdf, 53 KB) (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/comunicato_operatori_aerei_sanzione_rev2.pdf) of aircraft operators fined for not having returned the emissions of 2012.


On 17 April 2015 the Committee adopted the Decision 12/2015 (pdf, 75 KB) (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_12_2015.pdf) in order to release free allowances to aircraft for the years 2013,2014 and 2015.

On 7 April 2016 the Committee adopted the Decision 20/2016 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_20_2016.pdf) (pdf, 94 KB) in order to release allowances for 2016 to aircraft operators administered by Italy.

On 7 April 2016 the Committee adopted the Decision 21/2016 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_21_2016.pdf) (pdf, 67 KB) to determine the list of the aircraft operators administered by Italy set out in the Annex B to Decision 12/2015, for which allowance release does not operate for years 2013, 2014, 2015.

On 24 April 2017 the Committee adopted the Decision 50/2017 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_50_2017.pdf) (pdf, 235 KB) in order to release free allowances to aircraft for the year 2017.

On 08 May 2017 the Committee adopted the Decision 56/2017 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_56_2017.pdf) (pdf, 1.210 KB) in order to establish a calculating method for calculation of the cost of purchase and transfer of the emission allowances on the Union Registry.

On 18 May 2017 the Committee adopted the Decision 59/2017 (https://www.mase.gov.it/sites/default/files/archivio/allegati/emission_trading/deliberazione_59_2017.pdf) (pdf, 351 KB) in order to release allowances to Ethiopian Airlines for the year 2017.

Index (#index)


9. Useful link and technical support

For any specific information you can contact the Technical Secretariat of the ETS Committee, by sending an email to: aviation-ets@mase.gov.it (mailto:aviation-ets@mase.gov.it).
Additional supporting documents useful for gain understanding of the requirements of the ETS Directive, are available on the "Aviation" page on the European Commission website (http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/aviation/index_en.htm).

Index (#index)


Creation date: 28 June 2017


Source URL: https://www.mase.gov.it/pagina/aviation-and-emissions-trading-2013-2020