First meeting of the Joint Committee: the Work Plan adopted


Johannesburg, July 4, 2017 – the first meeting of the Joint Committee established within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea and the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs of Swaziland was held.

During the meeting, the documents that will regulate the cooperation between the two countries were discussed and approved, (Rules of Procedure, Guiding Principles of the Bilateral Cooperation Mechanism, Financial Document).

Furthermore, the medium-term work plan was approved, which is part of the national "Vision 2022" strategy and aims to support the country in implementing its "Nationally Determined Contributions" (NDCs) presented as part of the Paris, especially in the following areas:

  • Environmental sector: particular attention will be given to the collection, analysis, management and dissemination of meteorological data relevant for the observation of climate change; to the development of a clear and transparent monitoring system of Nationally Determined Contributions, (NDC); to the promotion of an effective early warning system;
  • Agricultural sector: priority will be given to sustainable agriculture, Climate Smart Agriculture, (CSA), to the development of ecological wealth and biodiversity, and to technology transfer;
  • Water sector: with a focus on the integrated management of water resources, on the strengthening of water infrastructures, and on the optimization of water use;

Energy sector: with a specific commitment to the diffusion of renewable energies, especially in rural areas and also through off-grid and small-scale systems, and on energy requalification.

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